
太阳出来的时候,小区的花草都带着露珠,显得绿意盎然,在阳光下生机勃勃。When the sun comes out, the flowers and plants in the community are all with dew, which is full of green and vigorous in the sun.

茂密的草丛上,厚厚的盖着五颜六色的花朵,泛出迷人的香气。Dense grass, thick covered with colorful flowers, exuding a charming aroma.

初夏,石榴花渐渐开放了,绿叶衬红花,美丽极了。Early summer, pomegranate flowers gradually open, green leaves lining red flowers, very beautiful.

夜晚,特别的安谧静美。知了睡了、青蛙也睡了。Night, special quiet beauty. Cicadas sleep, frogs also sleep.

夏天的夜晚,抬头望望天空,繁星点点,可以说是整个天空都是星星的世界。Summer night, looking up at the sky, stars, can be said to be the whole sky is a world of stars.

天空中,明亮的月亮像一位仙女,她给大地披上了一层银纱。In the sky, the bright moon is like a fairy. She puts a layer of silver yarn on the earth.

夏日的绿,在天地间挥毫泼墨,在蓝天白云下,描绘着一幅幅多彩多姿的画卷。Summer green, in the sky and white clouds, depicting a colorful picture.

清雅的雏菊、馥郁的郁金香、娇艳的山茶花、妖娆的牡丹……Elegant daisies, fragrant tulips, delicate camellia, enchanting Peony

湖面很静,静得像一缎色的丝绸。一缕缕阳光轻抚着水面,使人觉得无比的温暖。The lake is quiet, as quiet as a satin silk. The sunlight caresses the water surface, making people feel incomparably warm.

雨渐渐大了,云渐渐地将原本皎洁的月亮遮掩着。使天空显得更加暗淡。The rain gradually big, the cloud gradually will originally bright moon cover. Make the sky appear more dim.

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