
花儿们展开了一年一度最热烈的选美大会蜂儿蝴蝶就是穿梭其中的最佳观众。Flowers launched the annual most enthusiastic beauty pageant, bee butterfly is the shuttle among the best audience.

欢乐谷里游人的嬉戏声一浪接着一浪。我喜欢夏天因为夏天是火热的。In the happy valley, the sound of people’s frolicking waves after waves. I like summer because it’s hot.

我喜欢夏天的雨雨后的风风后落叶和任何时候的你。I like the rain in summer, the wind after the rain, the leaves after the wind and you at any time.

忽然一束美丽的光照了过来抬头一看原来是东方明珠塔。那颜色美丽极了犹如一颗巨大的闪耀着五彩缤纷的光芒。Suddenly, a beautiful light came up and looked up. It was the Oriental Pearl Tower. That color is very beautiful, like a huge color diamond, shining colorful light

夏天的风是牵挂;夏天的雨是思念;夏天的热是热情;夏天的凉是倾心。The wind in summer is concerned; the rain in summer is missing; the heat in summer is enthusiasm; the cool in summer is loving.

夏天的夜晚,我来到美丽的湘江边,河里的小鱼喜气洋洋,微风轻轻地吹,美丽的风景充满整个城Summer night, I came to the beautiful Xiangjiang River, the river fish jubilant, breeze gently blowing, beautiful scenery full of the whole city.市。

夕阳的光辉笼罩细纱阵阵和风带着花香向你扑来送给你一份惬意。The glory of the setting sun covers the spinning yarn, and the wind pours at you with the fragrance of flowers to give you a pleasant.

我在夏天认识你又在夏天与你别离就像夏天的阳光必然灿烂无比而夏天的骤雨也都是乌天黑地。I know you in the summer and leave you in the summer, just like the summer sunshine must be brilliant, and the summer shower is also dark.

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