

Unit 1 My classroom


01 classroom /ˈklɑːsrʊm/ 教室 This is my new classroom.

02 window /ˈwɪndəʊ/ 窗户 The window is so big.

03 blackboard /ˈblækbɔːd/ 黑板 Look at that blackboard.

04 light /laɪt/ 电灯 Turn on the light, please.

05 picture /ˈpɪkʧə/ 图画 I like this picture.

06 door /dɔː/ 门 The door is new.

07 teacher’s desk /ˈtiːʧəz/ /desk/ 讲台 The teacher’s desk is brown.

08 computer /kəmˈpjuːtə/ 计算机;电脑 This is my computer.

09 fan /fæn/ 风扇 I have a blue fan.

10 wall /wɔːl/ 墙壁 Look! The wall is red.

11 floor /flɔː/ 地板 The floor of my classroom is blue.

12 really /ˈrɪəli/ 真的 Really?

13 near /nɪə/ 近的;距离近 It’s near the window.

14 TV /ˌtiːˈviː/ 电视 I like watching TV.

15 clean /kliːn/ 打扫 Let’s clean the classroom.

16 help /help/ 帮助 Let me help you.

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Unit 2 My schoolbag


01 schoolbag /ˈskuːlˌbæg/ 书包 Put your books in the schoolbag.

02 maths book /mæθs/ /bʊk/ 数学书 Do you have a maths book?

03 English book /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ /bʊk/ 英语书 This is an English book.

04 Chinese book /ˌʧaɪˈniːz/ /bʊk/ 语文书 Look at my Chinese book.

05 storybook /ˈstɔːrɪbʊk/ 故事书 This storybook is good.

06 candy /ˈkændi/ 糖果 I like candies.

07 notebook /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ 笔记本 I have a new notebook.

08 toy /tɔɪ/ 玩具 Wow! So many toys!

09 key /kiː/ 钥匙 There is a key on the desk.

10 wow /waʊ/ 哇;呀 Wow! It’s a panda!

11 lost /lɒst/ 丢失 I lost my schoolbag.

12 so much /səʊ/ /mʌʧ/ 非常地 Thank you so much.

13 cute /kjuːt/ 可爱的 The panda is cute.

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Unit 3 My friends


01 strong /strɒŋ/ 强壮的 My brother is tall and strong.

02 friendly /ˈfrendli/ 友好的 My sister is very friendly.

03 quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ 安静的 He is a quiet boy.

04 hair /heə/ 头发 I have short hair.

05 shoe /ʃuː/ 鞋 This pair of shoes is mine.

06 glasses /ˈglɑːsɪz/ 眼镜 Do you have glasses?

07 his /hɪz/ 他的 His name is Zhang Peng.

08 or /ɔː/ 或者 A boy or a girl?

09 right /raɪt/ 正确的;对的 Yes, you are right.

10 hat /hæt/ 帽子 He has a blue hat.

11 her /hɜː/ 她的 Her name is Chen Jie.

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Unit 4 My home


01 bedroom /ˈbedru(ː)m/ 卧室 This is my bedroom.

02 living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ /ruːm/ 客厅;起居室 The living room is not big.

03 study /ˈstʌdi/ 书房 I like my study.

04 kitchen /ˈkɪʧɪn/ 厨房 My mother like the kitchen very much.

05 bathroom /ˈbɑːθru(ː)m/ 浴室;洗手间 My bathroom is very clean.

06 bed /bed/ 床 This is my bed.

07 phone /fəʊn/ 电话 The phone is on the desk.

08 table /ˈteɪbl/ 桌子 The cat is not under the table.

09 sofa /ˈsəʊfə/ 长沙发 A sofa is in the living room.

10 fridge /frɪʤ/ 冰箱 This is a fridge.

11 find /faɪnd/ 找到 Can you find them?

12 them /ðem/ 他(她、它)们 Can you find them?

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Unit 5 Dinner’s ready


01 beef /biːf/ 牛肉 I like beef.

02 chicken /ˈʧɪkɪn/ 鸡肉 Do you like chicken?

03 noodles /ˈnuːdlz/ 面条 I’d like some noodles.

04 soup /suːp/ 汤 I have some soup for breakfast.

05 vegetable /ˈveʤtəb(ə)l/ 蔬菜 Vegetables are good for us.

06 chopsticks /ˈʧɒpstɪks/ 筷子 He can use chopsticks.

07 bowl /bəʊl/ 碗 Can I have a bowl, please?

08 fork /fɔːk/ 餐叉 This is a new fork.

09 knife /naɪf/ 刀 Pass me the knife.

10 spoon /spuːn/ 勺 The spoon is on the table.

11 dinner /ˈdɪnə/ 正餐 What’s for dinner?

12 ready /ˈredi/ 准备好 Dinner is ready!

13 help yourself /help/ /jɔːˈself/ 为(自己)取用 Help yourself!

14 pass /pɑːs/ 给;递 Pass me the knife and fork please.

15 try /traɪ/ 试;尝试 Try chopsticks for noodles.

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Unit 6 Meet my family!


01 parents /ˈpeərənts/ 父母 I love my parents.

02 cousin /ˈkʌzn/ 表兄/弟/姐/妹;堂兄/弟/姐/妹 My cousin is ten years old.

03 uncle /ˈʌŋkl/ 叔叔;伯父;舅父;姑父;姨父 This is my uncle.

04 aunt /ɑːnt/ 姑母;姨母 This is my aunt.

05 baby brother /ˈbeɪbi/ /ˈbrʌðə/ 婴儿小弟弟 She has a baby brother.

06 doctor /ˈdɒktə/ 医生 My mother is a doctor.

07 cook /kʊk/ 厨师 My father is a cook.

08 driver /ˈdraɪvə/ 司机 His brother is a driver.

09 farmer /ˈfɑːmə/ 农民 Tina’s uncle is a farmer.

10 nurse /nɜːs/ 护士 Lily’s sister is a nurse.

11 people /ˈpiːpl/ 人们 How many people are there in your family?

12 but /bʌt/ 但是 But I don’t like blue.

13 little /ˈlɪtl/ 小的 I have a little puppy.

14 puppy /ˈpʌpi/ 小狗 I have a little puppy.

15 football player /ˈfʊtbɔːl/ /ˈpleɪə/ 足球运动员 He’s a football player.

16 job /ʤɒb/ 工作 What’s his job?

17 basketball /ˈbɑːskɪtˌbɔːl/ 篮球 My father is a basketball player.

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